
Thursday, 28 February 2013


Stop blaming others...
Salam to all..The word BLAME is a lazy man's wages..what we should do is fix the problem and not the blame..we don't make excuses but we make the problem remember, if you could kick the person in the pants, responsible for most of your wouldn't sit for a month..Guys, to find a fault is easy but to do better are much difficult and sometimes with thousands of excuses..

When you blame others, you give up your power to change..and thats why a GOOD LEADER takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit...Charles Jones says that "no one is a failure until they blame somebody else". Guys, as a man, we should never be ashamed to own what he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words...that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.

Most of us try to avoid personal responsibilities for the problems that we face in our lives..but as an adult, we are ultimately accountable for whatever is going on in your life. Blaming others for your problems is an escapist's way of facing the situation. It is also a redundant attitude as it is not going to contribute in solving the problem in any way.

A person who habitually blames other people for his problems also suffers from the mindset of a victim. He has positions himself as a helpless person, even when he can avail various avenues to come out of his present predicament and feel others are causing all of his hardships. If you are in a habit of blaming someone else for all your troubles...then you might be avoiding your own responsible in this matter.

Last but not least..people who do not take responsibilities for their own action also hate to admit that they have been wrong. Instead they need an external agency which could be the convenient scapegoat for all these troubles. Thus, the habit of blaming others for your problems is a reflection of your negative and escapist nature. People who resort to this, are also weak and passive. Therefore it is important that you get over this damaging attitude and take control of your life.

SO HOW DO YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY??? The answer is simple..stop blaming others and start living your life.

Don't hesitate to appologise when you are wrong. Admit when you have made a mistake. Learn to open to the ideas and opinions of others. Identify the things in your life that you are happy something to change them...simple isn't it? Take smart risks (a calculated risks)..but you must be accountable for the outcomes..and realise that you are not always right. Recognise and embrace your own not hesitate to ask others for help when you need it.

You know what guys..THE SUPERIOR MAN BLAMES HIMSELF AND THE INFERIOR MAN BLAMES OTHERS..and I believe what Don Shula has said.

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