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Bismillah Hirrahmanirrahim... |
Al-Islam comes from the root word Salima. Emerging from Salama said:
1. Aslam: Meaning is lower or confronted face. As Allah says in the letter An Nisa verse 125:
"And who is better in religion than one who submits himself to Allah, while doing good, and he followed the religion of Abraham? And God took Abraham into His beloved. "
God wants to give you an understanding that people are the best in submission to God and that those who sacrifice his whole soul and his life is a reflection of submission to Allah. Secret says in al-Quran face are:
a. In terms of language wajh (face) is the most noble limbs.
b. Wajh words related to the words iftijah (direction / orientation), means a Muslim orientation only to God.
2. Sallama: Meaning surrender, so those who are Muslims (Muslims) are the modular type only total surrender himself to God alone, and this was the logical consequence would be faith and the Islamization of a Muslim. Appropriate word of God in the Quran letter An Nisa verse 65:
"But no, by your Lord, they are (in fact) Faith, until they make you judge in all disputes between them, then they will not find in their hearts to give your verdict, and they receive the full".
3. Salaama: Meaning wellness or security, so people who follow the teachings of Islam are good people safe world or the hereafter. God's salvation is according to the security in the real sense, as the word of God in the letter Al-An'am verse 54:
"When those who believe in Our signs come to you, say" Salamun 'alaikum ", Lord hath inscribed for Himself love, (that) whereas him who does evil in ignorance because, then repent after doing it and the reformer, then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "
Safety and wellness in Islam is not only provided the Muslims only but also for the rest of humanity even flora and faunapun feel secure. Example in a war, when Muslim team leaders will to give his team off so as not to kill old people, women who remain behind small children and can not destroy places of worship can not chop down the trees. On the other hand if people are not good Muslims practice Islam or not the human and other creatures threatened safety.
4. Siliim: means peace, so Islam invites man to a life of peace. Allah says in the letter Al Baqorah verse 208:
"O ye who believe! Enter into Islam as a whole and do not the footsteps of Satan. Satan is an open enemy for you ".
No real peace except in Islam, peace is not departing from the teachings of Islam is false. Therefore a lot of people fooled with peace slogans presented by people who are not islamic. That way when people do not follow the teachings of Islam means he does not enjoy a nice peaceful world or the hereafter.
But why does a lot of petulant man-vices and away from God, because the role of the devil to make a man steps away from God. Letters of the words of Allah Al Baqorah verse 208 above the mean for the believers 0rang comprehensive not get into the trap of Islam means the devil and the devil is a clear human enemy.
5. Sullam: Meaning is the ladder. Stairs mean level, this reflects the teachings of Islam to mankind that to what he called tadarruj (stages). Exemplified when Allah has forbidden Khomer (liquor). At the time of Islam in Mecca perikehidupan download full human ignorance (stupidity) and drinking habits Khomerkhomer despite Islam. After 13 years the Prophet preaching, came khomer ban sentence and at the time a lot of the streets into rivers khomer Medina. or alcohol are steeped in tradition while drinking alcohol is damaging sense but the Quran does not directly ban early. Many of the companions of the Prophet then was Umar bin Khattab, who like to drink
In the creation of the earth that God does it in increments of 6 times even though God only once can create earth. This gives a lesson that the advent of a process requires. So also in the Islamic da'wah is an obligation of a Muslim should be communicated to all mankind that the process should tadarruj.
With so those who converted to Islam were people up the stairs to the height of human dignity will get a position before Allah are very high. Height dignity of Islam is the extent to which a Muslim commitment to Islam.
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1. Al-divine Revelation (Revelation of God): In terms of Al-Islam is a doctrine in which human beings shall be subject to the revelations of Allah revealed through the prophets, especially Prophet. The Qur'an is the revelation of God revealed through the prophet Muhammad saw so Islam is the Quran and the Quran is the guidance of Allah, according to the saying: "It was this Qur'an gives an indication of rectitude." In other words, Islam is what the word of God and explained by the Prophet.
2. Islam Dinnul Anbiya (Islamic religion of the prophets and Mursalin): Islam is the religion of the prophets from Prophet Adam As the last of the prophets until the Prophet. As narrated in the Qur'an, As Noah said, "And I am commanded to be of the Muslims". As Abraham also said, "Take Ya Allah those who are Muslims, I and my son (Ismail As)".
3. Life Minhajul Islam (Islamic guidance of life): Al Minhaj wal manhaj at thorighul wadih means Minhaj (guidelines / system) or manhaj is a clear path. Islam is guidance in all aspects of the political, social and cultural dimensions of time and space covering. Islam is a universal teaching.
The difference of Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad brought pamphlets other apostles is that Islam brought the earlier prophets, locally only for his people but Islam that was revealed only through the prophet Muhammad to mankind rahmatan lil'alamin (Mercy of the Worlds), because the Islamic law applies to all good Muslims and non-Muslims.
If a country is implementing Islamic law then the law of the place not only for the Muslims or non-Muslims only alone, but to the whole as exemplified in the Prophet and his companions, this is Islamic justice
4. Ahkamullah fee sunnaturrasulihi kitabihi wa (the law of God in the Quran and Sunnah): Islam is the laws of God contained in the Holy Quran and Al Hadist. Al hadist (tradition of the Prophet) explain the verses of the Quran so that people better understand. And Al-Quran is the book that can be read by every man, this is evidence that a Muslim Prophet personal mirror.
5. As Sirathul Mustaqim (straight path): Islam is the right path. A Muslim is the straight path, as contained in the letter of Al Fatiha "Guide us to the straight path".
6. Salaamutul wal world hereafter (secure world and the Hereafter): Islam is the salvation of the world and the hereafter. Exemplified in the life time of the Prophet together with his companions could be called also the time of purity. Narrated by a woman who has committed adultery Ghomidiah Al, and reported by the reprehensible actions of the Prophet that he was punished. But not directly impose stoning as teryata law in pregnant women, the Prophet ordered that the home and come back after giving birth. After giving birth she comes back soon discover that the Prophet punished, but the women were ordered to return in order to reach large enough to breastfeed her baby. Some time later, after two years of nursing her baby came to him, that the Prophet enforce the law of stoning to waniti Al Ghomidiah said. The story shows that women are more afraid of a more terrible punishment of Allah from the torment of the world. Salvation of the world and the hereafter is true is according to God and His Prophet. When inviting mankind to embrace Islam means inviting to the security of both worlds.
Jihad is a struggle safety because if not, what happens is tyranny. If tyranny authorities then will not guarantee adequate security and jihad are required by God because of cruelity.Surat Al Hajj verse 39 explains "Permission (to fight) for those who are fought against, because they are persecuted. And Allah is indeed Able to give them victory ". Abu Bakr r.a. intestate "If a people leave Jihad then the race will be humiliated".
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The basics component in Islam |
1. Dinnul haq (true religion): The real truth comes only from God. Appropriate letter of the word of God in Christ no less verse 104, "When it is said to them:" Come to what Allah has revealed and the Prophet ". They say: "Enough for us is what we found our fathers doing." And whether they will follow their ancestors even though their fathers did not know anything and do not (yet) get a clue? "
Islam is the religion of truth (true) then sort against Islam is falsehood. As explained in the Qur'an Surat Yunus Ai verse 32 ".... then there after the truth but error. ... "
2. Dinnullah (of Allah): Islam called Islam Dinnullah comes from God. Allah says in the Quran letter Al Imran verse 19: "The religion (most acceptable) in Allah's sight is Islam. ... "
3. Dinnul Islam: Muslim Life must submit to Islam. The din means submission, submission or obedience of a Muslim about Allah and His Messenger hukumyan is absolute.
Appropriate understanding of Islam as Allah wills and His Messenger is Muslim Ya'lu yu'la alaihi wala (Islamic adalh match him high and nothing). Muslims height proportional to the height of Islam. If Muslims committed against Muslims then become of high and reliable, but if Muslims leave Islam then the people will be humiliated.
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Din which we translate as religion has three meanings of Arabic eased. And it comes from the word of funds.
First: It means have the legal and administration. So here Din governing and political nature. It is mentioned in the form fiel danahu.
Second: When we use the design speed of the fund, so it means to obey him. So it looks like obedience and worship.
Third: If we use the form bissyaik funds, then it means making it as a religion and sect.
From what we understand of the language debate, Din has a range of meanings that allow us to understand the meaning of Din in Islam. It has a strong relationship with politics. Where, if we look to the first meaning, then it supports the opinion that we have to say.
Din not shy away from the meaning of compliance ilzam (luzumulinqiyad), which is the first use of it means obedience (obedient), on the second use is committed to compliance, refer to the slave and the use of the third it means mabda or system to diiltizam ( observed).
Here we can see the richness of the Arabic language in which the word has a different meaning in the language or terminology called isytirak or musytarak.
Ad Din here means is a way of life. It is a system that includes comprehensive regulations, as well as a "law" complete in all affairs of human life that we accept and practice it in total.
In conclusion, Islam is not merely a matter of religion, but also a way of life, a system, life guidance, and comprehensive regulations. Islam is Ad Din was revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad as a mercy for all the worlds. It is Ad Din consist of two things, faith and charity. Faith is the faith or a tree, and on it stands the doctrine of Islam.
Aqidah عقيدة term itself comes from, is the fraction of word 'aqad عقد, which generally means the bond or knot. Usually this happens the bond or knot on the rope around objects and things. Anyhow the terms also used in some of the ma'nawi, such agreements and the like. From the bond or knot this ma'nawi born word faith, the bond or knot ma'nawi specifically in the case of belief. Based on the last word of the original beliefs of the word can be understood as firmly entrenched beliefs and strong in spirit (Introduction to Faith: Dr. Muhammad Sulaiman Hj. Yasin: case 207).
An Egyptian cleric (Ash Shahid Hasan Al Bana, ALM.) Say about the term Aqa'id (still one of the root word "creed"). Aqa'id are the things that allow your heart, your soul settle down for it, and it makes you feel confident in yourself without mixing it with doubts and fears.
We just know at a term aqeedah. Now about Islam. Shariat means the ways of worship, the foundations of social life, the laws that govern human relationships as servants of God, in respect of the transactions, and criminal laws, as well as to clean and unclean.
For a better understanding, we learn the following things. Each messenger from God brings Ad Din, comprising of Ad Din who call people to accept One God. Bring "religion" monotheism, which does not recognize the existence of the gods but only God alone. In the framework of the case, they (people every messenger) forming the regulations brought by the Prophet in his time. These regulations called Shariah. So, even though The din carried by each messenger is similar (men, neglects God-the One-huh), but their tenets vary in certain respects.
He said:
"For every people among you, We have a law and an open way ..." (Surah Al-Maidah: 48)
And the Prophet He sent a prophet cover, then cover the whole of Islam has tenets previous prophets and placed him as the perfect last tenets. No more besides Sharia tenets. In it there is no difference procedure worship, fundamentals of life and the law applicable to humans and the universe to the end of Resurrection.
Islam is the only true religion and God is acknowledged. Word of God
"Surely the true religion and blessed by God is Islam." (Ali Imran: 19)
Islam is a vague way of life, created by Allah and also the grace of God to us. Word of God
"This day have I perfected your religion for you, and I favor to me also pleased with Islam as your religion." (Al Maidah: 03)
Since only Muslims only one - the only religion (way of life) the true and perfect, God commands us to accept Islam as a whole. Word of God means;
"O people - those who believe! Go into the religion of Islam to abide by the law - the law and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Satan was an avowed enemy. "(Al Baqarah: 208)
Because Islam is the only religion (way of life) with Allah, then Allah has forbidden us to find a way of life other than Islam. Word of God
"Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted from him and in the Hereafter he was one of those people - who are the losers." (Ali Imran: 85)
Uniqueness of Islam as Ad Din
Islam is the way of life of God's creation has many - like privileges. Among them are:
(1) Islam is the way of human life that comes from God,
(2) Islam is a way of life that organize all parts of human life,
(3) Value - the value of Islamic life is permanent ,
(4) Islam is a system of life for all people, not to a particular class or race,
(5) Islam is a way of life that has compatibility and understanding between ideals - ideals and reality,
(6) Islam emphasizes the relationship with God (hablum minanallah) and human relations (hablum minan nas).
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