Aidil Adha ni memang sambutannya hebat bagi orang Pantai Timur terutama Kelantan, Aidil Adha ataupun sinonimnya Hari Raya Haji dari aspek kemeriahan, memang jauh lebih jika dibandingkan dengan Aidil Fitri ataupun Hari Raya Puasa. Ada berbagai pendapat tapi bagi saya yang meriahnya ialah dapat berkompol masa sembelih dan lapah lembu. Dan masa muda-muda dulu yang paling best ialah bila orang tua suruh saya hantar daging korban kat keliling kampung.....perghhhh pasti ya rumah yang ada awek-awek cantik saja yang menjadi destinasi saya terutama rumah WRWY...itu dululah. Setiap orang ada sejarah mereka tersendiri dan ia mengajar kita untuk terus hidup Dan berjuang.
Apa pun...saya ucapkan Selamat Menyambut Aidil Adha.
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman bertakwalah kepada Allah, dan hendaklah kamu bersama orang-orang yang benar" Surah al-Taubah :119
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Al Quran Sebagai Obor Hidup
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Iqraq...bacalah |
TURUNNYA wahyu pertama
pada malam 17 Ramadan bermakna bermulalah panduan mutlak dari Allah SWT untuk
membebaskan manusia daripada belenggu kejahilan. Melalui perantaraan Nabi
Muhammad SAW, Allah SWT sebelumnya membersihkan hati baginda lalu meniupkan roh
agama dengan meletakkan kalimah 'Iqraq atau Bacalah' sebagai asas untuk membuka
minda dan seluruh jiwa umat Islam.
Pada malam menerima wahyu
pertama itu, Rasullullah SAW sedang beribadat di Gua Hira' bagi mencari
penyelesaian malapetaka yang sedang dihadapi oleh umat Islam, yakni serangan
dan tohmahan daripada kaumnya sendiri, iaitu bangsa Quraisy yang masih tebal
dengan nilai-nilai jahiliyah.
Al-Quran yang diturunkan
secara berperingkat-ringkat membawa panduan kepada umat Islam untuk membuat
sesuatu keputusan berhubung permasalahan kehidupan dan keummatan selain
kejernihan dimensi beribadat selaras dengan erti Islam itu sendiri, iaitu cara
hidup yang berbekalkan prinsip penyerahan kepada keesaan Allah SWT dan berada
dalam jemaah yang sama-sama meniti keberkatan setiap usaha dan tindakan.
Misi al-Quran sebagai
rahmatan lil-'Alamin mengajarkan setiap hati dan jiwa orang Islam untuk hidup
dengan sifat kelembutan dan kebaikan. Menerusi nilai-nilai kelembutan dan
kebaikan itulah merintis dimensi kerahmatan, termasuk untuk diri sendiri,
keluarga dan orang lain. Untuk diri sendiri, al-Quran mengingatkan setiap orang
betapa pun cerdik pemikiran yang dimiliki, ia tetap merupakan sifat sementara
dan atas limpah kurnia-Nya.
Dalam meraih keberkatan
untuk diri sendiri, setiap orang Islam wajib mempertingkatkan rasa dan
tanggungjawab keimanannya dalam kerangka 'hidup dan mati ditentukan oleh Allah
SWT'. Seluruh proses penyerahan diri itu memberikan makna keluhuran jiwa
sehingga yakin setiap apa yang berlaku mempunyai kaitannya dengan restu Allah
SWT, maka itulah manusia memerihalkan kekurangan diri, manusia hanya boleh
merancang Allah SWT yang menentukannya.
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Bersihkanlah hati dengan kalimah Allah |
Landasan keimanan itu
perlu dibina menerusi ritual berterusan dan diulang-ulangi setiap masa.
Misalnya, apabila tiba masanya mendirikan solat, umat Islam akan memulakan
peribadatan itu dengan meletakkan diri sebagai hamba manakala Allah SWT sebagai
'tuan' yang berhak disembah atas kebesaran-Nya yang tidak boleh ditandingi
semua makhluk dan ikon yang digambarkan sebagai perkasa, hebat dan kuat.
Kekuatan yang ada pada makhluk itu tidak boleh menyaingi kekuatan Allah SWT
sampai bila-bila pun.
Setelah membina keimanan
dalam diri, manusia dipertanggungjawabkan pula untuk memenuhi keperluan orang
lain. Manusia yang tidak memberikan perhatian kepada manusia lain pada
hakikatnya ia tidak mampu mencapai sifat rahmat, kerana dalam dirinya tidak
mempunyai kelembutan, kasih sayang dan kehalusan hatinya yang dapat dikongsikan
Menurut Quraish Shihab,
"Rahmat yang menghiasi diri seseorang, tidak luput dari rasa pedih yang
dialami oleh jiwa pemiliknya. Rasa itulah yang mendorongnya untuk mencurahkan
rahmat kepada yang dirahmati. Rahmat dalam pengertian demikian adalah rahmat
makhluk, Allah SWT tidak sedemikian
Rahmat dan kasih sayang
kepada semua makhluk itulah yang menuntut setiap muslim memelihara dan mengajak
manusia mendekatkan seluruh jiwanya menuju tujuan penciptaan-Nya.
Menurut Imam al-Ghazali,
setiap aktiviti yang memperoleh rahmat adalah menerusi kasih sayang untuk
mengalihkan sikap lengah dengan memberinya nasihat secara lemah lembut, tidak
dengan kekerasan, memandang orang berdosa dengan pandangan kasih sayang, bukan
dengan gangguan, serta setiap kederhakaan yang terjadi itu tidak disisihkan
begitu sahaja.
Secara keseluruhannya
al-Quran memandu manusia untuk membudayakan kebajikan dalam seluruh dimensi
kehidupan bagi mencapai tahap kerahmatan dari Allah SWT.
Monday, 22 October 2012
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Setuju.... |
Bukan saya yang cakap ye...M Karathu yang kkita kenalah juga respek dengan pandangan coach..
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Salah ke Kelantan memang???? |
Banyak penyakit yang boleh diubati menerusi rawatan doktor, tapi kalau sakit hati, busuk hati, dengki dan sekutu dengannya susah nak jawab dan doktor pon tak boleh nak ubatinya selain bermunajat kepada ALLAH...
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Kan ke BODOH tu.. |
Apa cerita? Cerita apa lagi..pasal bola lagi lah....dah KELANTAN menang nak buat macamana...dah ketentuan Allah ATM kalah...terima sahajalah ketentuan tu. Ni tak puas hati sebab katanya, Lines Man Makan Rasuah, Pengadil Berat Sebelah dan Dah Kena Beli...Player Kelantan lembik sayik jatuh saja....Kalau kalah nanti Stadium kena bakar........
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Apa kebenda ni Bebbbb....seingat sayalah sedari dulu kalau Kelantan menang apa-apa event mesti ada yang tak puas hati...APASAL..APAHAL...
8 Golongan Yang Rugi Menurut Al Quran
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Kalam Allah itu benar.. |
1- Golongan yang tidak mendapat sedikit pun kebaikan di Akhirat, surah
Al-Baqarah ayat : 200.
“Kemudian apabila kamu telah selesai
mengerjakan amalan ibadat Haji kamu, maka hendaklah kamu menyebut-nyebut dan mengingati
Allah (dengan membesarkanNya) sebagaimana kamu dahulu menyebut-nyebut
(memuji-muji) datuk nenek kamu, bahkan dengan sebutan yang lebih lagi. Dalam
pada itu, ada di antara manusia yang (berdoa dengan) berkata: “Wahai Tuhan
kami! Berilah kami kebaikan) di dunia”. (orang-orang ini diberikan kebaikan di
dunia) dan tidak ada baginya sedikitpun kebaikan di akhirat.”
2-Manusia yang suka
surah Luqman ayat : 20.
“Tidakkah kamu memperhatikan bahawa
Allah telah memudahkan untuk kegunaan kamu apa yang ada di langit dan yang ada
di bumi, dan telah melimpahkan kepada kami nikmat-nimatNya yang zahir dan yang
batin? Dalam pada itu, ada di antara manusia orang yang membantah mengenai
(sifat-sifat) Allah dengan tidak berdasarkan sebarang pengetahuan atau sebarang
petunjuk; dan tidak juga berdasarkan mana-mana Kitab Allah yang menerangi
3-Golongan yang mengaku
beriman kepada Allah SWT sedangkan mereka sebenarnya tidak beriman kepada Allah
surah Al-Baqarah ayat : 8.
“Dan di antara manusia ada yang
berkata: “Kami telah beriman kepada Allah dan kepada hari akhirat”; padahal
mereka sebenarnya tidak beriman.”
4-Golongan yang sentiasa
bersahabat karib selain daripada Allah SWT, surah
Al-Baqarah ayat : 165.
“(Walaupun demikian), ada juga di
antara manusia yang mengambil selain dari Allah (untuk menjadi) sekutu-sekutu
(Allah), mereka mencintainya, (memuja dan mentaatinya) sebagaimana mereka
mencintai Allah; sedang orang-orang yang beriman itu lebih cinta (taat) kepada
Allah. Dan kalaulah orang-orang yang melakukan kezaliman (syirik) itu
mengetahui ketika mereka melihat azab pada hari akhirat kelak, bahawa
sesungguhnya kekuatan dan kekuasaan itu semuanya tertentu bagi Allah, dan
bahawa sesungguhnya Allah Maha berat azab seksaNya, (nescaya mereka tidak
melakukan kezaliman itu).”
5-Golongan yang mempergunakan
Allah SWT dan Hadis Rasulullah SAW untuk memperdayakan orang lain, surah
Al-Baqarah ayat : 204-205.
“Dan di antara manusia ada orang yang
tutur katanya mengenai hal kehidupan dunia, menyebabkan engkau tertarik hati
(mendengarnya), dan ia (bersumpah dengan mengatakan bahawa) Allah menjadi saksi
atas apa yang ada dalam hatinya, padahal ia adalah orang yang amat keras
permusuhannya (kepadamu).”
“Kemudian apabila ia pergi (dengan
mendapat hajatnya), berusahalah ia di bumi, untuk melakukan bencana padanya,
dan membinasakan tanaman-tanaman dan keturunan (binatang ternak dan manusia;
sedang Allah tidak suka kepada bencana kerosakan.”

6-Menyembah Allah SWT tanpa
disertai dengan keyakinan yang penuh, surah Al-Haj ayat 11.
“Dan ada di antara manusia yang
menyembah Allah dengan sikap dan pendirian yang tidak tetap, iaitu kalau ia
beroleh kebaikan, senanglah hatinya dengan keadaan itu; dan kalau pula ia
ditimpa fitnah kesusahan, berbaliklah ia semula (kepada kekufurannya). (Dengan
sikapnya itu) rugilah ia akan dunia dan akhirat, itulah kerugian yang terang
7-Beriman kepada Allah SWT
dan Rasulullah SAW tetapi tidak sanggup menghadapi ujian dan dugaan Allah SWT, surah
Al-Angkabut ayat : 10.
“Dan ada sebahagian dari manusia yang
berkata: “Kami beriman kepada Allah”; kemudian apabila ia diganggu dan disakiti
pada jalan Allah, ia jadikan gangguan manusia itu seperti azab seksa Allah
(lalu ia taatkan manusia). Dan jika datang pertolongan dari Tuhanmu memberi
kemenangan kepadamu, mereka sudah tentu akan berkata: “Kami adalah sentiasa
bersama-sama kamu”. (Mengapa mereka berdusta?) Bukankah Allah lebih mengetahui
akan apa yang terpendam dalam hati sekalian makhluk?”
8-Golongan yang menggunakan ayat Allah SWT dan Hadis Rasulullah SAW
untuk menyesatkan orang lain, surah Luqman ayat : 6.
“Dan ada di antara manusia: orang yang
memilih serta membelanjakan hartanya kepada cerita-cerita dan perkara-perkara
hiburan yang melalaikan; yang berakibat menyesatkan (dirinya dan orang ramai)
dari ugama Allah dengan tidak berdasarkan sebarang pengetahuan; dan ada pula
orang yang menjadikan ugama Allah itu sebagai ejek-ejekan; merekalah
orang-orang yang akan beroleh azab yang menghinakan.”
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Syurga adalah janji Allah untuk kanak-kanak yang tak berdosa..... |
ZALIM: Budak 5 Tahun Dibunuh Hanya Kerana Ejek Suspek ‘Gila’
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Gaya lebihhhh....pergi tangkapla orang-orang jahat dalam Malaysia.....kecut teloq hapa!!! |
Apa dah jadi dengan dunia hari ini???? APA DAH JADI NI???? Subhanallah....saya yakin inilah insiden yang paling dasyat dalam tahun 2012...tak ada lagi dah selepas isu pembunuhan Arwah Nurin Jazlin dan Arwah Adik Aminul Rashid....hanya kerana ejekan BUDAK UMUR 5 TAHUN KAU BUNUH....memang kau gila dan memang bangang...nak baca lanjut klik sini . Insiden sebegini kalau POLIS kata tak dapat carik juga SUSPEK aku tak tahulah....kira sama banganglah POLIS dengan SUSPEK. Sorry to say, ko nak marah..ko marah lah, ko nak buat hapa ko buat lah...tapi ini realiti dan cabaran yang POLIS kena ambik...Dulu kes Arwah Nurin Jazlin..hapa korang dapat???? Budah tu MATI KATAK saja.....thats why keyakinan rakyat terhadap POLIS hilang...YILLEK POTCHI
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Syabas Untuk ATM
SYABAS Angkatan Tentera Malaysia! Tiada sebab buat anda berasa kecewa selepas mengheret juara Liga Super, Kelantan beraksi ke masa tambahan sebelum tewas 2-3 pada final Piala Malaysia 2012 yang berlangsung di Stadium Shah Alam malam semalam.
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Semua Jeneral ada tu.... |
ATM telah tunjukkan satu prestasi yang amat baik dan memuaskan...cuma nasib sahaja tidak berpihak kepada anda...BOLA itu bulat...At least anda berjaya menumpaskan team lain..itu dah cukup akan datang pasti yang gerun nak jumpa ATM...TABIKKKKK
Erti Sebenar Sebuah Kemenangan

Sebuah Kemenangan itu bukanlah hanya
ketika kita berhasil mencapai prestasi terbaik. Bahkan, bukan hanya ketika kita
berhasil mendapatkan semua yang kita inginkan dalam hidup ini.Kemengan juga
bukanlah hanya ketika kita berhasil mengalahkan lawan ketika di perlawanan.
kemenangan adalah saat di mana kita dapat melawan suatu kegagalan. Saat di mana
kita dapat mengatasi musibah. Saat di mana kita dapat bangkit dari suatu
keadaan yang menyedihkan. Dan, saat di mana kita merasa sangat terpuruk namun
kita mampu berjuang menghancurkan semua cobaan itu.
adalah saat di mana kita dapat menjadikan itu semua sebagai pertanda betapa
sayangnya Sang Maha Pencipta kepada kita. Saat dimana kita menyadari betapa
kita dapat belajar banyak dari semua kegagalan yang kita alami.
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Islam itu indah.. |
kemenangan adalah saat di mana kita melangkah begitu mantap dan yakin bahwa
kita begitu hebat untuk sekedar melawan suatu kegagalan kecil. Saat dimana kita
dapat mengalahkan diri kita sendiri, sehingga kadang-kadang kita merindukan
sebuah kegagalan. Karena kegagalanlah yang membuat kita sadar di mana kita
Ingatkan dah habis pasal bola rupanya belom lagi...Dah kalah tu terimalah hakikat gu..
Dulu jurulatih Kelantan...kan ke mereka tu bekas anak didik you...patutnya berbangga sebab mereka adalah bekas produk you... KALAH tetap KALAH....
Dulu jurulatih Kelantan...kan ke mereka tu bekas anak didik you...patutnya berbangga sebab mereka adalah bekas produk you... KALAH tetap KALAH....
Alhamdulillah.... |
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Ramai tuuuu penyokong.... |
Isunya sakit hati...itu saja...Kalau Selanor lebih tak pe, kalau Kuala Lumpur tak long jangan KELANTAN...jangan cam tu gu BIAS tu...nah ko hambik..sekali Allah Subhanahuwataala berikan kemenangan baru padan muka...
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Renungan..untuk semua |
Tapi Team Red Warrior pon janganlah jadi takbur...kekalkan sikap rendah diri dan senantiasa bertawakkal pada Allah..Insyaallah kemenangan bersama anda....SYABAS RED WARRIOR..
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Debaran Menanti KELANTAN VS ATM
Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu telah tiba... masing-masing dok kira jam dan minit saja...awal lagi Bro..baru pukol berapa....jom pergi pasar dulu, carik lauk ke hapa ke...
Punyalah taksub sesetengah penyokong bola, hinggakan selepas subuh dah ada yang gerak ke stadium...naper..sebab nak elak jem, nak elak parking susah, malas nak berserabut...boleh...bukan tak boleh...tapi kena ingat jugak akan tanggungjawab..sembahyang camana, makan minum anak isteri camana..persoalan tersebut perlu diselesaikan...
Saya????? Saya sedari dulu lagi tak minat dengan benda remeh-temeh ni...saya sukakan privasi dan layanan VIP walaupun hanya pencacai yang terbaekk duduk rumah, masak mee goreng, goreng kopok, air teh 'o' ais 2-3 jug..duduk depan TV tengok ngan anak-anak lagi best..siap ada sofa, aircond....VIP tu BEB..
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Masak kena masak wehh..makan kena makan...buat bekal Beb.. |
Punyalah taksub sesetengah penyokong bola, hinggakan selepas subuh dah ada yang gerak ke stadium...naper..sebab nak elak jem, nak elak parking susah, malas nak berserabut...boleh...bukan tak boleh...tapi kena ingat jugak akan tanggungjawab..sembahyang camana, makan minum anak isteri camana..persoalan tersebut perlu diselesaikan...
Perghhhhhh.. |
Saya????? Saya sedari dulu lagi tak minat dengan benda remeh-temeh ni...saya sukakan privasi dan layanan VIP walaupun hanya pencacai yang terbaekk duduk rumah, masak mee goreng, goreng kopok, air teh 'o' ais 2-3 jug..duduk depan TV tengok ngan anak-anak lagi best..siap ada sofa, aircond....VIP tu BEB..
Friday, 19 October 2012
Tak Habis-Habis Nak Jatuhkan Kelantan
Berbagai cara demo ni guno untuk gambarkan buruknya perangai puok-puok penyokong KELATE...kenapa sampai begini bias jadinya...siap ada yang buat persepsi bahawa bila ATM bertemu Kelantan nanti pasti akan berlaku kekecohan...iye ke????
Tapi kawe yakin penyokong Kelantan mahupun ATM adalah profesional dan tak akan jadi benda-benda ngarut punya...Yang penting lawan baik-baik, tunjukkan persahabatan dan try your best.....GO KELANTAN GOOOOOO..Jangan Mare Ye...
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Propganda murahan gu... |
Tapi kawe yakin penyokong Kelantan mahupun ATM adalah profesional dan tak akan jadi benda-benda ngarut punya...Yang penting lawan baik-baik, tunjukkan persahabatan dan try your best.....GO KELANTAN GOOOOOO..Jangan Mare Ye...
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Ingatlah Akan Kekuasaan Allah
Menjadi tanda tanya kenapa nasyid ini tidak lagi berkemundang lagi menerusi media pandang dengar?????
Semoga apa yang dihidangkan memberi manfaat kepada semua. InsyaAllah.
Semoga apa yang dihidangkan memberi manfaat kepada semua. InsyaAllah.
Da'wah Will Never Fail
Islam; there is no compulsion to convert-people to be with Islam, it is always entered it
willingly. The historical presence of non-Muslims minorities among
Muslims is evidence of tolerance in Islam.
The most important thing is that we must be sincere. Each of us has a gift from Allah and we should not ignore our obligation in fear
of rejection or failure but join together to contribute our talents and
resources to share the gift of Islam, truly a mercy from Allah.
will guide, through Da'wah, those who are qualified for His mercy; those
who have good hearts and are sincerely searching for the truth. And, he will
turn away from it those who do not deserve His mercy; those who chose to divert
from His way. All of this is decreed according to His perfect wisdom and
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Anyhow, there's always a question in spreading the Da'wah. CAN IT FAIL.....The
success of Da'wah is guaranteed as a fulfillment of Allah’s promises,
“… and who is more truthful than Allah” (4:87)
Allah promised to make the way for dawah easy for Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and his followers alike, “We shall ease your way unto the state of ease.” (87:8)
Allah also promised to preserve Qur’an, His last guidance to mankind. It is forever protected from any sort of distortion, change, or modification: “Verily we have sent down the Reminder and We shall indeed preserve it.” (15:9)
Allah promised to make dawah prevail and reach everywhere in the Earth so that all mankind will be aware that Islam is the truth from their Lord: “We shall show them our signs in the horizons and within themselves till it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth.” (42:53)
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W assured that Islam is the religion of the future and it will spread all over the world; he said, “Verily Islam will reach every place as the day and night reach. There is no house (in city or desert) on Earth but Islam will enter it.”
There are many more guarantees says in Quran, due
to all of these reasons, the dawah could never fail; that is why Prophet
Muhammad S.A.W never in carry-out his duty in conducting Da'wah.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
The Ideological Attack & Effect Towards Muslims
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Who is S.Ambiga??? |
“Ideological warfare" is a modern term which refers to a set of efforts in
which a nation engages in order to conquer or influence another nation, so that
(the attacked nation) takes a particular course of direction. It
is far more serious than military warfare, since it aims at secrecy, seeking to
achieve subtle objectives initially; so that the attacked nation does not
perceive it, nor prepare to halt it, nor stand in its way - thereby falling
victim to (such an attack). The eventual result of this onslaught is that this
nation becomes sick in mind and sense; loving what the enemy wants it to love
and hating what they want it to hate. It is a chronic disease which attacks and
destroys nations, doing away with its personality, removing such meanings as
foundations and strength. The nation which is struck by this (ideological
attack) does not even feel what has hit it, or what it even is! That is why
curing it becomes somewhat difficult, and making (the attacked nation)
understand the ways of righteousness becomes a struggle.
war takes place by means of school curriculums, general education, media, small
and large size publications, and other such channels (that influence the
thoughts of its people). Through this the enemy hopes to deviate the nation from
its beliefs; becoming attached to what the enemy throws at it. We ask Allaah for
safety and protection from this.
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In Kuala Lumpur...Subhanallah |
The Muslims in general are all subject to a great ideological warfare from the nations of kufr
(unbelief); from both the east and the west. The severest and most serious of
these (ideological) onslaughts is:- [i] The war of the Christian crusaders; [ii]
The Zionist war; [iii] The Communist and Atheistic war.
war of the Christian crusaders is today at its most intense. Since Salaahud-Deen
al-Ayyoobee achieved victory over the Christians crusading in the Muslim lands
with their strength and weapons, the Christians realized that even though they
had achieved [some] victories, these victories were temporary ones that did not
last. That is why they started thinking about the most destructive alternatives.
After numerous case studies and assemblies they arrived at (something) that was
far more dangerous and destructive than military warfare; which was that the
Christian nations, both individually and collectively, should launch an
ideological attack on those Muslims who were just beginning to grow and develop.
This is because conquering the hearts and thoughts (of people) is far more
permanent than conquering their lands! The Muslim whose mind has not been
corrupted cannot bear to see the unbelievers wielding authority, and ordering
and prohibiting in his own country. Therefore such a Muslim strives his utmost
to expel and distance them - even if he has to sacrifice his own life, or his
most cherished possession, for this cause. And this is what happened after the
major conquest of the crusaders.
As for the Muslim who
is exposed to the (effects) of this filthy war, he becomes ill in thought and
desensitized to this disease. He does not see any danger with the presence of
Christians in the lands of the Muslims. Indeed, he may even think that their
presence is a source of goodness which aids and advances civilization. So the
Christians have sufficed themselves with this ideological warfare, as opposed to
the military one, because it is more effective and more permanent. What need do
they have of deploying troops or spending huge sums of money, when there exists
amongst the children of the Muslims those who can actually fulfill their wishes
- intentionally or unintentionally, with a price or without one! This is why
they do not resort to openly fighting the Muslims with weapons and arms, except
in rare cases when necessity dictates this. They resort to this in situations
where speed is sought; such as what happened in Uganda and Pakistan; or when
there is a need to stabilize the advancement, or establish centres, or to
establish bases which engage in destructive ideological warfare; such as what
happened in Egypt, Syria, ’Iraaq, and other countries, before their expulsion.
Zionist war is just the same. The Jews strive their utmost to corrupt the
beliefs, morals and manners of the Muslims. The Jews scheme and crave after
possessing the Muslim lands, as well as the lands of others. They have fulfilled
some of their plans and continue striving hard to implement the rest of them.
Even though they do engage the Muslims in warfare involving strength and arms
and have occupied some of their lands, they also fight them through spreading
and aiding the spread of destructive thoughts, beliefs and ideologies; such as
Freemasonry, Qadiyaanisim, Bahaa‘ism, Teejaanism, and others - seeking the
support of the Christians, and others, in order to fulfill their objects.
for the Communist/Atheist war, then presently it is spreading like wildfire
across the Muslim lands. This happens as a consequence of their being an
emptiness (with regards beliefs), weak eemaan (certainty of faith) in most people, wide spread ignorance, and the lack of
a correct and healthy (Islaamic) cultivation and development. The Communist
parties from Russia and China, as well as others, have managed to ensnare (into
this false ideology) every spiteful, malicious person; driven by those weak in
faith, or having no faith at all! They selected these types of people as being
their puppets and plants in that country; spreading through (such puppets) their
filthy Atheistic and Communistic ideologies. They lured them with promises of
high positions of power and status. Through them they tore apart the Muslim Ummah
and they were made [to act as] the troops of Shaytaan.
They were aided in this by the Christians and the Jews, who sometimes assisted
in their preparation, whilst at other times they aided and supported them. Thus,
even though they do have differences between them, yet, they become a single
hand against the Muslims. They view the Muslims as their worst enemy, that is
why we see them co-operating with each other, as allies, against the Muslims.
And Allaah’s aid is sought, and He suffices us and is the best of
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What is this!!!Subhanallah |
The means that the west employs in order to spread their thoughts and ideas
are many, from them:
1. The attempt to conquer the minds of the Muslim children. They do this by
infusing in them western values and concepts so that they then believe that the
best way to adopt in any matter is that of the west - whether it is with regards
to what religion or sect they believe, or with regards to the languages that
they speak, or the manners, customs and values with which they clothe
2. Custody of a large group of the children of the Muslims in every country,
concern for them and bringing them up, so that when they absorb western
thoughts, they return to their countries with a halo of praise and compliment,
until they acquire position and authority in their countries by which they
circulate western ideologies and establish learning centres conforming to
western curricula or are directly influenced by them.
3. Their active drive towards promoting the learning of western languages in the
Muslim lands, making them compete with the Muslims’ languages, especially the
Arabic language, which is language of the Qur‘aan
- by which this Book was sent and by which the Muslims worship their Lord; in
their salaat (Prayer), their rites of Hajj (Pilgrimage), their forms of
remembrances and glorifications, etc. From this is the encouragement of
destructive propaganda that fights against (the usage and learning) of (pure and
classical) Arabic Language and attempt to weaken the conformity to it in the
Muslim lands. They do this by calling to using colloquialism, and by arranging
numerous studies that intend to ‘develop’ grammar in order to corrupt it; as
well as formalizing folk literature and matters of national heritage.
4. Development of western universities and missionary schools in Muslim countries
and also initiating the role of kindergarten and play-schools, hospitals and
clinics which they make as dens and nests for their evil aims. They encourage
the higher classes to study in them (western and missionary schools and
universities) and after them help in acquire leadership posts and great position
until they become an aid for their masters in following their plots in the
Muslim lands.
5. The attempt to control education curricula in Muslim lands and drawing out their
politics, either directly; as occurred in some Muslim countries when the priest
Dunlop undertook that task there, or by indirect methods. When the task was
undertaken, most of the successful students who studied in Dunlop’s schools
and graduated in them, arose as a destructive pickaxe in their country, or as
one of the enemies most lethal weapons. (Such students) strive hard to influence
the educational curriculum and steer it towards secularism - an ideology which
does not centre around having eemaan (faith)
in Allaah and His Messenger; but rather steers in the direction of atheism, or
towards immorality and corruption.
6. The large number of individuals amongst the Jews and Christians who have
undertaken the study of Islaam, Arabic Language, compiling books, and
positions of teaching in universities; until they created an ideological
and confusion amongst the educated Muslims, which they hurl at those
that they
are teaching, or with which they fill their books - until some of those
became sources which writers and researchers refer to in matters of
ideology or
history. Many people who were responsible for creating some of these
fitan (trials and turmoil) in the Muslim countries, were actually
Muslims who
graduated at the hands of the people. The praise and awe which
surrounded such
graduates helped them to achieve this, as well as achieve their post and
positions; such as important posts in teaching and leadership. So they
what their teachers had initiated (of corruption and destruction) and
what they couldn't achieve, because they were of Muslim offspring and
from the
same skin, ascribing themselves to them and speaking their tongue - so
we ask
and seek Allaah’s help.
7. A large number of missionary workers calling to Christianity have proceeded
between the Muslims that they have performed their work on. (This missionary
activity is done upon) well studied principles, and upon a large scale;
employing hundreds of thousands of men and women. Huge financial budgets are put
aside for this task, and (they are aided in such a way that) their task is made
easier for them and obstacles are removed for them. As explained by Allah in Suratul Saaf 61:8;
want to extinguish the Light (i.e. the Religion) of
Allah with their mouths, but Allah will bring His Light to perfection and
completion, even though the disbelievers hate it.”
Just as the efforts of
the missionaries are set up and aimed mostly at the common levels; then the
efforts of the Orientalist are directed to the educated - as I previously
mentioned. The missionaries take on huge hardships in their work in the African
Countries, and in the remote villages of the far extreme Muslim lands; in
eastern Asia. After that, every so often, they hold conferences in order to
review their accounts and their plans; then they analyze, adjust and implement.
They met in Cairo in 1906, in Edinburgh in 1910, in Lucknow (India) in 1911, and
in Jerusalem in 1935, and they continue to hold such assemblies, seminars and
conferences - so glory be to the One in Whose Hand is the sole sovereignty of
the heavens and the earth, and to Him return all affairs.
8. Spreading corruption in the Muslim societies; belittling the (status of women)
with regards to their role in life, making her transgress the limits set by
Allah for her, creating in her a satisfaction in abstaining from the (correct)
Path. They do this by spreading propaganda amongst the Muslims in various ways
and manners, so that women freely mix with men, and so that women work in the
places of men. By this, they aim to corrupt the Muslim society, and to put an
end to the chastity and purity which is found therein. Additionally, by bringing
up imaginary issues and false propaganda – (claiming) that Islaam oppresses
women, and that Muslim women have very little rights - they want to take her out
of her home, and put her wherever they may want; even though the limits that
Allah has set (in the Qur‘aan) are
clear; as are His commands (concerning these matters), and as is the Sunnah
of Porphet Muhammad S.A.W. Allah through Suratul Ahzaab 33:59 mentioned that;
Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the Believing women to draw
their jilbaabs (cloaks) over their
entire body. That will be better, that they should be known (as free and
respectable women), so as not to be
harassed, And Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.”
in Suratul Noor 24:31, Allah says that:
let the Believing women draw their khimaars (head-scarves) over
their faces, necks and chests, and not to display their beauty, except to their
husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or
their husband's sons...”
While in Suratul Ahzaab 33:53, and verse 33:33, Allah says that:
when you ask them for something, ask them from behind a screen; that is purer
for your hearts and their hearts.” 33:53
stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of
jaahiliyyah (pre-lslaamic ignorance).”
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said:
“Beware of entering into the company of women.” A man from the
Ansaar said: O Messenger of Allaah, what about the husband’s brothers
relatives! He replied: “The husband's brothers and relatives are death!” He Prophet Muhammad S.A.W also said: “A man must not be alone in the company of a women, for
indeed the
third of them is Shaytaan.”
The Building of churches and temples in the Muslim lands and spending great
amounts of wealth on them; beautifying them, making them very conspicuous and
noticeable, and building them in the largest and best of places.
10. Radio stations set up solely for the purpose of calling to Christianity and
communism, spreading their (false) objectives. They intend to misguide, through
such false ideas, the children of the innocent and naive Muslims - who neither
understand, nor did they receive a sufficient Islaamic education. This is the
case, in particular, in Africa where the Bible is published and distributed in
plenty of hotels, etc. (They also) send missionary publications and false
preaching to many of the Muslim children.
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How about Kuala Lumpur...any comment by Fed Govt???? |
are many other means utilized by the enemies of Islam today - from east and
the west - in waging war against the Muslim’s thought, (intending by this
ideological attack) to put an end to correct righteous thought, so that they are
replaced by (false and) foreign ideas; whether eastern or western. And - O noble
reader - as you can see, these means involve tremendous efforts, enormous
amounts of money and a multitude of soldiers. All of this is done in order to
take the Muslims away from Islaam, even if they do not actually embrace
Christianity, Judaism or Marxism. Since their primary goal in doing this is to
take the Muslims away from Islaam, so that when this stage is achieved, then
whatever (misguidance) follows becomes far easier to implement.
despite all this we say: that Allah will frustrate them in their hopes, and
will nullify their plans - but only if the Muslims are sincere in their fight
against them, cautious and alert to their plans, and obedient and upright upon
their Religion; as Allah said in Suratul Al Imran 3:120:
if you remain patient and become pious and obedient to Allah, their plots will
not harm you in the least. Indeed, Allah encompasses all that they do.”
they are spreaders of corruption, Allah Will not give total facilitation to
their actions. Rather Allah - the Most High- said:
plot and plan, and Allaah plans, and indeed Allaah is the best of planners.”
[Suratul Anfaal 8:8]
they are planning a plan, but I am planning a plan, but give a respite to the
disbelievers; deal gently with them for a while.” [Suratul Taariq
you who Believe! If you help Allah (by acting upon that which He has
commanded you to do), He will help you
against your enemies, and make your foothold firm.” [Suratul Muhammad 47:7]
indeed Allaah will help those who help His Cause. Truly, Allaah is
Most-Powerful, Most-Mighty. Those who, if We give them power and authority in
the land, establish the Salaah (Prayer),
give the Zakaat, command the good and forbid the evil. And with Allaah rests the
end of all affairs.” [Suratul Hajj 22:40-41]
And there are many
verses carrying this same meaning. Thus,
without a doubt, the matter requires the Muslims to have some common sense and
some contemplation, some study about the course of action that should be taken,
about the most suitable stance they should take, and that they should be heedful
and have some awareness which will make them capable of understanding the
schemes of their enemies, and active upon rendering them futile and false. This
shall not be accomplished for them except by adhering to Allaah, adherence to
His guidance, returning to Him, repenting to Him and seeking His aid.
Additionally, by bearing in mind His guidance in everything, especially with
regard to the relation of the believers with the unbelievers, and by
understanding Suratul Kaafirun. In Suratul Al Baqarah verse 2:120 and 2:217, Allah says that:
will the Jews and the Christians be pleased with you until you follow their
religion and way of life.” 2:120
they will not stop fighting you, until they turn you back from your Religion; if
they are able.” 2:217
Lastly, I
ask Allah the Most High that He grants right guidance to this Ummah,
with regards to their affairs, and that He grants protection to it from the
plots of its enemies, and that He grants it firmness and obedience, both in
speech and action - so that there can be for them might, strength and honour; as
Allaah desires for them. Indeed He is the only One Who has the power to do so.
And may Allaah extol, and send the blessings of peace upon our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
and upon his Family, his Companions, and followers.
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