
Thursday, 17 April 2014


Karpal Singh

Hari ni Malaysia dikejutkan dengan berita kematian Saudara Karpal Singh. Menerusi media sosial berbagai komen dan luahan yang diberi. Ada yang negatif, ada yang positif dan tak kurang pula yang play safe. Yang terkini tersebar luas kononnya sesiapa yang postkan gambar mayat Karpal Sing akan didakwa oleh pihak keluarga...Yang peliknya ramai yang menyokong dan tak kurang pula yang memaki hamun sesama sendiri.

Persoalan saya hanya satu, kenapa kita sanggup memaki hamun insan yang hidup terutama di kalangan umat Islam walhal si mati ialah penentang Islam yang tegar dan menghina Sultan Perak. Iya..pelbagai jawapan yang akan saya terima dalam isu ini...akan tetapi dimanakan sifat KEMELAYUAN kita????kemana hilangnya sifat KEPAHLAWANAN MELAYU???adakah kita sudah mula hilang fokus terhadap bangsa kita sendiri???kemana hilangnya NILAI HARGA DIRI MELAYU sehingga sanggup dicaci dan dihina???

We should stand right when you have a strong judgement. Bukan nak meracun tapi cukup-cukuplah MELAYU..

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


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Ianya adalah hakikat hidup bahawa manusia adalah satu makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT yang cukup sempurna berbanding makhluk-makhluk lain ciptaan-Nya terutama haiwan. Walaupun begitu, ternyata masih ada kesamaan di antara keduanya. Kesamaannya, masing-masing baik binatang maupun manusia itu diciptakan secara fitrah memiliki otak dan kecenderungan memenuhi tuntutan hawa nafsu. Pun begitu perbedaan yang sangat besar dari keduanya adalah dalam proses pemenuhan hawa nafsu tersebut.

Binatang, oleh kerana mereka tidak diberi akal maka naluri kecenderungan pemenuhan hawa nafsunya hanya sebatas fitrahnya. Misalnya, bila lapar lantas mereka pun akan segera mencari makanan untuk dimakan. Setelah kenyang mereka akan diam. Sebelum lapar mereka tidak akan makan, mereka akan makan hanya pada saat mereka betul-betul merasa lapar.

Dalam kehidupan binatang, ada yang berusaha menutupi keperluan hidup sendiri, ada pula yang membina kebersamaan di bawah satu kepemimpinan seperti dalam kelompok lebah, penyengat dan tebuan. Menerusi Suratul An Nahl Allah SWT berfirman: 

“Dan Tuhanmu mengilhamkan kepada lebah:”Buatlah sarang-sarang di bukit-bukit, di pohon-pohon kayu, dan di tempat-tempat yang dibuat manusia”. Kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu) dari perut lebah itu keluar madu yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesung-guhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda (kebesaran Tuhan) bagi orang-orang yang memikirkan”(An Nahl, 16 :68-69).

Ayat di atas mengingatkan kita akan kebersamaan para lebah untuk menjadi contoh bagi kita, di bawah satu kepemimpinan mereka membina kesatuan, kerja sama yang sangat baik dan menghasilkan sesuatu yang dapat dinikmati oleh manusia di antaranya madu yang menjadi penawar bagi sesetengah penyakit. Begitu juga dengan kehidupan semut.

Adapun manusia, di samping memiliki kecenderungan hawa nafsu untuk memenuhi keperluan hidup, manusia juga diberi akal dan semestinya dengan kewujudan akal ini manusia lebih bijak dalam mengendalikan hawa nafsunya dibanding dengan binatang. Kerana dengan akal tersebut, manusia harus tahu mana yang menjadi haknya dan sebaliknya. Sesungguhnya, darjat yang dikurniakan oleh Allah Subhanahu Wataala terhadap manusia adalah cukup tinggi.

Persoalannya, adakah kita benar-benar menggunakan akal yang dikurniakan???

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Tuesday, 25 March 2014


Saya agak terkilan dengan beberapa tohmahan yang dibuat oleh segelintir pemikir media sosial apatah lagi dari kalangan bekas kaki tangan kerajaan. Pada hemat mereka apa jua yang dilakukan oleh pihak kerajaan berhubung isu Kehilangan Pesawat MH 370 adalah tidak betul, semuanya salah, unacceptable, wrong procedure dan berbagai teori yang diberikan..antara yang nyata sebagaimana ditulis dalam FreeMalaysiaToday.. Jadi apakah semua ini, saya teringat akan sebuah kata-kata "When you are pointing one finger towards another..there are three more pointing towards you"..

Saya tidak tahu bagaimana blogger NegaraPakatanRakyat menerusi artikelnya bertajuk Trajedi MH 370 Satu Konspirasi UMNO boleh mengeluarkan teori sedemikian dan adakah beliau waras pada ketika itu..Subhanallah..Dia ni dah gila agaknya, saya tahu saya hanyalah blogger picisan kalau berbanding beliau..akan tetapi saya rasa dari sudut akal..saya mungkin lebih baik berbanding beliau. Kenapa kita sering melontarkan syak wasangka yang ada kalanya menjadi satu fitnah besar kepada pihak kerajaan. Seburuk-buruk kerajaan Malaysia..setidak-tidaknya kita masih berada dalam keadaan aman, dalam kita mengharungi kesedihan dek kehilangan MH 370, lihat berapa buah negara datang menghulurkan bantuan..andaikata Malaysia dan kerajaannya bagai dikata Pakatan Pembankang..sahih tidak akan wujud negara luar yang akan membantu. 

Video di atas dikatakan rakaman oleh salah sebuah kapal yang terbabit dalam aktiviti SAR di Koridor Selatan. Mereka semua yang terbabit disahkan sedang melalui ribut taufan..persoalan saya, tidakkan kita terfikir untuk mendoakan keselamatan mereka? Tidakkah kita terfikir akan kesusahan mereka? Justeru, lihatlah dari sudut positif.

Itulah puncanya kerajaan Malaysia sering menghulurkan bantuan kepada negara-negara luar apabila mereka ditimpa musibah..itulah tanda prihatin kerajaan dan kini sebagai balasan mereka terhadap budi baik Malaysia. Tidak dinafikan memang pahit untuk kita semua menerima sebuah realiti, tapi cuba kita renung dari sudut positif..sepanjang tempoh kehilangan pesawat tersebut, pelbagai aset ketenteraan, separa ketenteraan telah dikerah oleh pihak kerajaan untuk aktiviti mencari dan menyelamat. Antara muatan yang saya perolehi ialah menerusi TV3..malah kalau kita lihat di dalam Youtube banyak lagi, begitu juga di dada-dada akhbar..Tidakkah ianya satu bukti akan keperihatinan kerajaan? 

Monday, 24 March 2014


Sedari awal saya ingin menulis artikel berhubung insiden ini. Walau bagaimanapun wujud satu 'instinct' di lubuk hati agar mendiamkan diri terlebih dahulu. Kenapa? Kerana saya tidak mahu teori yang dikemukakan akan menjadi satu fitnah dan dispekulasikan oleh insan-insan lain yang sama kerdil dengan saya.

Menerusi penulisan ini saya tidak berhajat untuk merungkaikan kemelut yang wujud dalam pencarian MH 370. Saya ingin lihat dari sudut yang berbeza...apakah sudut yang ingin saya ketengahkan...jom kita lihat gambar-gambar yang dipetik......
Di Malaysia
Agensi Kerajaan

Di India

Doa oleh Persatuan Budha
Doa oleh sekumpulan pelajar di Sekolah Antarabangsa di Zhuji City, China

Kanak-kanak sekolah

polis 370


Pelancong Asing

Penuntut Malaysia di Birmingham

Melihat kepada respon dan gambar di atas, apa yang saya ingin ketengahkan ialah KESATUAN yang wujud di dalam hati dan sanubari umat manusia. Walau apa bentuk kepercayaan mereka dan kaedah perlaksanaan sesebuah ibadah, apa yang jelas kesemuanya menadah tangan kehadrat Ilahi..jelaslah bahawa tidak ada satu kuasa yang lebih besar melainkan kuasa Allah Subhanahuwataala. Selain itu insiden ini cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa manusia mampu bersatu dan menuju satu wawasan yang sama sekiranya ada usaha kearah tersebut.

Monday, 10 March 2014



Apa yang ingin saya paparkan mungkin bukan satu cerita baru..namun apa yang ingin saya ketengahkan ialah kekuasaan Allah Subhanahuwataala..Lihatkan kekuasaan Nya..Subhanallah, salinan Al-Quran tetap dalam keadaan terpelihara dalam kereta yang hangus terbakar di wilayah Jazan, selatan Arab Saudi."Pemandu itu berkata, kereta itu adalah milik ayahnya yang selalu menyimpan salinan Al-Quran di dalamnya," kata seorang saksi, harian Emirates melaporkan.Pengakuan dari pemiliknya menurut harian Saudi, dia sedang memandu keretanya di wilayah selatan Jazan, Saudi dan secara tiba-tiba kereta terbakar sehingga memaksa dia menyelamatkan diri dengan melompat keluar dari keretanya.Beberapa saksi memeriksa pemandu tersebut dan keadaan keretanya, mereka menjumpai salinan Al-Quran satu-satunya barang yang tetap terpelihara dalam kereta yang hangus terbakar."Ketika saya melihat ke dalam kereta yang hangus tersebut, saya terkejut melihat semuanya hancur dan hangus kecuali salinan Al-Quran yang masih utuh," katanya dipetik blog Detik Islam."Saya memutuskan untuk mendokumentasikan keajaiban ini dengan telefon bimbit saya."Al-Quran adalah wahyu dari Allah, Pencipta alam semesta dan dunia beserta isinya.

Monday, 3 March 2014


Among the signs He has provided are through revelations (wahy). Major religions such as Islam, Christianity and Hinduism, to name a few, have their own scriptures, believed to be the words of God (or at least the words that speak on behalf of God). For instance, Islam with the Al-Quran and the Christianity with the Bible (Old and New Testaments). Common sense will tell us easily, that the most important aspect of a religion is its concept of God.

Hence, while all above religions believe in God/gods, it is now necessary to provide a set of criteria or yardstick taught in each religion, to prove who is and who is not God. The most reliable source for this is definitely the scriptures of each religion. As I am going to represent my beloved deen, Islam, I will explain the concept of God in Islam, and in doing so, will make fine comparisons between Allah as God with the God believed by the Christians, Jesus Christ being one of them (so that we can test how the criteria of God works).

However, as mentioned earlier, I will firstly speak in brief about the existence of Quran itself as a proof that Allah is the God, One and Only. This is a very simple argument. Firstly, just to get things clear here, Al-Quran is not the words of Prophet Muhammad SAW, but are the EXACT words of Allah SWT (revealed through him to the whole mankind). Insya Allah (God willing), I will elaborate more on this in the other upcoming episode, but suffice to say now, that the words of Muhammad SAW, is called ahadith (plural of hadith) instead.

Now, going back to the argument, Al-Quran has mentioned explicitly that it was revealed by Allah SWT and Allah will protect it until the end of time. Now, imagine this. If all religions were to reach a global consensus, that today we shall burn and destroy all the scriptures and textual documents of religions (Quran, Bible, Veda etc.) including those on the net without any trace or backup copy whatsoever, guess what will happen?

Within only few days, only the Quran will come back to its absolute original form, with no alteration at all, not even an alphabet! And why is this? Because Al-Quran (which is in Arabic language) is the only book memorized in totality by many Muslims worldwide! We have children as young as 5 years old (if not younger) who memorizes the Quran from cover to cover, and in addition to that, many of them don't even speak (or understand) Arabic language!

This is a guarantee from Allah (in Surah Al-Hijr, aayat no.9) that the preservation of Quran will last! It has been more than 14 hundred years now, yet it has not been altered, not in the slightest!

(The case for Bible is significantly different, because even the Bible scholars would agree that not only Bible has gone through so many changes (addition and deletion) here and there throughout the course of its long history, in fact now there are so many different versions of Bible!)

The fact that Al-Quran explicitly mentions Allah as the One and only true God, and the fact that its preservation is impossible without permission (and work) of God, we have now come to the end of our first premise, that is, Al-Quran through its existence is a proof that Allah is the God. Now, this last point may be the most interesting part to analyse together. In the Quran, the 112th chapter is called Suratul Al-Ikhlas.
It is one of the shortest Surah in it, nevertheless carries huge weight and significance when it comes  to the concept of God in Islam. In fact we shall now analyse the 4 criteria of God it outlines from its short yet eloquent four verses. The verses explain that Allah is the God, and then beautifully continue with the attributes of Allah as God (hence the criteria of God in Islam) which is fulfilled by only Allah and none others.

For comparison, now let's take Jesus Christ and put him on test (whether he fulfills the criteria to be God). Before I continue though, it's necessary to mention here that  Jesus Christ (in Arabic, Isa) is regarded as a great prophet by us Muslims. This comparison is in no way attempting to condemn him. In reality (for the Muslims), elevating him as God, is something he himself (Jesus) will despise and disprove of, hence a true form of insult instead! The first verse says that God must be One and Only. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, apart from The Father God and the Holy Spirit (in a concept called Trinity). Hence, the fact that now we have more than one God, we will say that Jesus is not a God.

The second verse refers to the absolute and eternal nature of God i.e God has neither beginning nor ending. Muslims and Christians alike believe that Jesus was born by Mary (in Arabic, Maryam). However, only the Christians believe that Jesus died. The fact that he was born means that he has a beginning. And the fact that he dies means that he also has an ending. Therefore, according to the second criteria, Jesus must not be God because he begins and ends (which makes more sense if we consider him a human being, but a prophet, as believed by Muslims).

Thirdly, God must not beget nor is he begotten. What this means is that a God must not be born or that he gives birth. Jesus was born. Hence, he is not a God. The last verse, hence the last criteria suggests that God is not God if he is the same (or possess any similarity with His creation). Jesus obviously appears to be in the form of a man during his lifetime, which again makes him not a God, but as believed by the Muslim, more logically a prophet. With a rather long discussion above, I shall put an end to this part here.  Let me end with this testimony. I firmly bear witness that there is no God except Allah SWT, He is One and Only, and Muhammad SAW was his Messenger.

Suratul Al Anbiya verse 24

"Or have they taken for worship (other) gods besides Him (Allah)? Say: Bring your proof. This (the Quran) is the Reminder for those with me and the Reminder for those before me. But most of them know not the Truth, so they are averse."

Friday, 21 February 2014


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Hiwabakatuh
My discussion today is about an encounter I had with a gentleman I just knew who is a Muslim but apparently sees Islam as a different Islam, unlike what we normally understand. In brief, he is still a Muslim (I believe so, Allah knows best) despite the fact that he seemed to favor some liberal thoughts. Interesting enough, this guy finished his secondary education at a well-known boarding school (SBP) in Malaysia, and this is not just another SBP but a religious school (Sekolah Aliran Agama).
This is not about painting a bad image on our local schools, but a highlight on how challenging it is outside there, that Islam (our faith) is being attacked from all directions, all the time, risking not only ourselves, but each and every one person we love in this world (close you eyes and think about them for a couple of seconds now).
7. My point of writing this is not just to share the story, but more than that is to offer recommendation on how do we deal with many questions we may have about Islam (or asked by others) and never less important, is to adjust the way we deal with such people.
8. We should be able to engage in constructive dialogues and discussions, and not to be in defensive mode all the time.
9. I am in no way trying to suggest that I have the best solution or methodology here, but I will just share what is at my best available, and next to come is the roles to play by each and every single one of us.
10. We, all of us, have jobs to do.
11. This lovely guy (by his personality and character) is a Malaysian and is about to graduate from a university from the United States of America (USA) soon (for brevity's sake, I will use America from now onward).
12. When I met him at KLCC, he brought along a close friend of him, an American guy by the name of Matthew.
13. Unfortunately I only met Matthew for a very short time as he headed somewhere else walking around the place- in a way, he's a tourist after all.
14. So the dialogue began between me and him, the Muslim guy, in Matthew's absence.
15. From the way the conversation took place, he seemed to be searching for truth i.e the right religion to believe in. Mind you, this guy was born a Muslim.
16. According to him, it was not America (that influenced him), but he had things in mind way back since he was still in Malaysia, and America is only a place that sort of 'confirmed' what he believed in.
17. Among the first question that he asked, surprisingly, was about whether God exist in the first place? And he didn't claim to be an atheist, but he believed that it is not wrong to ask.
18. So then, does God exist?